Friday, September 21, 2012

5-Minutes Chi Boost - Coming Out Soon

As some of you may know I am preparing my first book 5-Minutes Chi Boost. Several years passed and I finally decided to answer and follow good advice I got from you, my students, friends and well wishers. 

I herein want to thank you for all inspiration and help I got from you. It is because of your support that this 5-Minutes Chi Boost program will take shape of a book - finally. Well, I can give many excuses or you can find them for me (my busy seminar schedule, martial art / self defense courses etc.) but those despite truth are not important ...... because we do not need them anymore. 

Yes, 5-Minutes Chi Boost book is almost ready and here I decided to share with you one part of a chapter (cant give you more here due to agreement with publishers). Hope you will enjoy. Feel free to comment and share. 

Some of you are introduced in to this program and you know the potency of those exercises.  Others will have to wait just a bit longer. I guess in 3 weeks from now it will be there on Amazon, available for very, very popular price. 

Also , I will distribute F R E E copies for 1st few days of launch so stay tuned if you are interested. On the end, here is the promised part of 5-Minutes Chi Boost: 

Chapter 2: Chi – Important Facts

As I have promised, this book in not a theoretical pile of information, however let's go over most important characteristic related to ‘life force’.
As you probably know, ancient manuscripts originating in different cultures offer explanations on various subject matters related to manipulating the life force. Despite my dedication to ‘energy work’ naturally I couldn’t find time studding all of traditions however, from what I have chance to read I did understand the following: all traditions understand the subject of ‘energy that powers all that leaves’ in pretty much similar way. However, some are focused on certain aspects that I do not see as much useful and practical today.

Let's therefore have a quick look to those facts that are important to know about for successful start working with 5-Minute Chi Boost Program. If you are already a student of any related practice and you don't consider yourself a newbie due to knowledge that you already acquired, feel free to skip over these few lines. I'm well aware that those may sound simple to some of you. On the other hand, I made experience that it's never wrong to go over the basics. I believe that many readers will find some of these facts very helpful, even if they have already have lot knowledge in this area. Here is short summary of most important fact about Chi:

·      Chi (also written as Qi) is vital force of energy and life present throughout the material creation and without it’s presence no symptom of life can be seen.

·      Chi – ‘energy of life’ or ‘life force’ is named differently in various philosophies and cultures (Ki in Japan, Prana in Indian Vedas, Mana in Hawaiian culture, Lüng in Tibetan Buddhism etc.) yet all those sources of knowledge speak about the same vital energy.

·      As in a nature, Chi is constantly circling and flowing in our bodies, supplying life force to each and every limb, muscle and organ.

·      Chi is traveling trough the body using subtle energy channels known as meridians. There are many main energy centers and pressure points situated across these energy paths.

·      Whenever healthy flow of Chi is disturbed or it weakens, body develops certain pain or disease in order to drive our attention to the source of a problem.

·      By proper treatment using various Pressure Points, breathing and posture, one can efficiently revive healthy and strong flow off a ‘life force’ in our bodies. That is the essence of health.

·      This knowledge is not difficult to master nor it is reserved for some ‘special group’ of people - everyone who decides can successfully learn 5-Minute Chi Boost techniques regardless of beliefs, age, education, sex or any other material condition.

These are, in my experience, basic and most important facts we have to know about. Nothing else is there to study or understand. As with other things, it's only a question if person really decides to do something or not. When we really decide to do/have/experience ‘something’, sooner or later will end up doing/having/experiencing exactly that. Therefore, my only question to you is:

‘Are you serious about improving your health and well-being?’



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